One of the reasons this trip was planned to begin in early May was because we’d hoped to avoid some of the crowds associated with summer tourist season. The success of that logic has been less than stellar. It’s is true that we’ve run into very few U.S. travelers, but every place we’ve been has been packed with visitors from the EU and the Far East. I believe the one small error in my logic was that your average Euro working bee gets at least four weeks of vacation a year AND they use it. This whole idea of busting your hump 80 hours a week so your mega-wealthy CEO can get another 2 mil bonus and forgoing time off because you need to cover all that work those two other people who got laid off used to do has just not caught on here. Judging by the breakfast assembly at the Hotel Möveinpick, our Praha home, I doubt there can be anyone left in China.
On the subject of the Möveinpick, the hotel’s motto is “Seriously Dedicated. Passionately Swiss.” I’m not too sure the statements travel quite as well as they’d hoped. First of all, when I hear ‘Swiss’ I tend to think of “highly regimented for no particular reason,” but maybe it’s just me. In addition, the joint’s rated four stars and I’ll buy that if you’re using an eight star scale. The bottle of Evian in the room with a €7.00 price tag on it kind of sealed the non-giddy deal for me.